
Access mode base management. Provide function to retrieve all access modes from the system.

GET accessMode/getAll

Retrieve all all access modes from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Access Modes" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Access Modes"



Provide functions to display passes.

GET attendance/getEventDescription

Retrieve all event description of the specific sensor. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Global messages" required. No record permissions restriction implemented.


GET attendance/getOnCallShift

Retrieve on-call shift of person, which are currently stored in the system. No priviliges required. Agenda "On-Call shifts" has to be licensed. Data may also be restricted by record permission "Show attendance" of agenda "Persons".


GET attendance/getPassAll

Retrieve all passage data for requested time range, personId, Sensor and passage type. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Events" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "Data monitoring" of agenda "Persons" and by HW Structure permission - privilege "Data monitoring".


GET attendance/getPassByPerson

Retrieve all passage data of the specific person from all sensors in requested time range. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Events" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "Data monitoring" of agenda "Persons" and by HW Structure permission - privilege "Data monitoring


GET attendance/getPassBySensor

Retrieve all passage data of the specific sensor in requested time range. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Events" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "Data monitoring" of agenda "Persons" and by HW Structure permission - privilege "Data monitoring


GET attendance/getSalaryElementsAll

Retrieve all salary elements with defined external code in the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Salary Elements" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Salary elements".


GET attendance/getScheduledAction

Retrieve scheduled action data of the person, which are currently stored in the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Requests" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" and "View attendance "of agenda "Persons"


GET attendance/getScheduledShift

Retrieve scheduled shift of person, which are currently stored in the system. No priviliges required. Agenda "Scheduled shifts" has to be licensed. Data may also be restricted by record permission "Show attendance" of agenda "Persons".


POST attendance/cleanScheduledAction

Remove scheduled action data of the person from the system. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Requests" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Person"


POST attendance/getAttendanceData

Retrieve attendance data of the person. Application privilege "Show" for licensed agenda "Summary report" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "View attendance" of agenda "Persons"and "View" of agenda "Salary elements".


POST attendance/setScheduledAction

Scheduled action of the person can be stored to the system. Only already approved actions can be transferred. Application privilege "New" for licensed agenda "Requests" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Submitting requests" and "Approve requests" of agenda "Person".



Employee position base management. Provide functions to display, create and remove employee positions

GET employeePos/getAll

Retrieve all employee position data from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Job position" required. Data may also be restricted by record privilege "View" of agenda "Job position".


POST employeePos/create

Create employee position in the system. Application privilege "New" for licensed agenda "Job position" required. No record permissions restriction implemented.


POST employeePos/remove

Remove employee position in the system. Application privilege "Delete" for licensed agenda "Job position" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record privilege "Delete" of agenda "Job Position"



Hardware structure base management. Provide function to display hardware structure data

GET HwStructure/getAllPersonWithCurrentAccess

Retrieve list of Person with current access


GET HwStructure/getAllSensors

Retrieve all sensor and relay data from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "HW structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "HW structure"


GET HwStructure/getAllSensorsState

Retrieve all sensor and relay states from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "HW structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "HW structure"


GET HwStructure/getSensor

Retrieve sensor and relay detail data from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "HW structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "HW structure"


GET HwStructure/getSensorState

Retrieve detail sensor and relay state data from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "HW structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "HW structure"


POST HwStructure/setDirectControl

Set direct control of the hardware unit (relay). Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "HW structure" required. HW Structure permission - privilege "Direct control" required.



Identifier base management. Provide functions to retrieve, create, update and remove identifier

GET identifier/get

Retrieve detail data for specific identifier. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Identifiers" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Identifiers"


GET identifier/getAccessPrivileges

Get access of the identifier. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Identifiers" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Identifiers"


GET identifier/getAll

Retrieve data for all identifiers. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Identifiers" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Identifiers"


POST identifier/create

Create identifier in the system. Application privilege "New" for licensed agenda "Identifiers" required. No record permissions restriction implemented.


POST identifier/remove

Remove the identifier from the system. Application privilege "Delete" for licensed agenda "Identifiers" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record privilege "Delete" of agenda "Identifiers"


POST identifier/update

Update identifier in the system. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Identifiers" required.



Token base management. Provide function to generate time limited token.

POST login

Generate time limited token. Token expiration time is 20seconds


POST login/advAuth

Generate time limited token. Token expiration time is 20seconds



Organization structure base management. Provide functions to retrieve, create, update and remove organization structure units

GET orgStructure/get

Retrieve organization structure detail data from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Organizational structure"


GET orgStructure/getAll

Retrieve all organization structure data from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Organizational structure"


POST orgStructure/create

Create organization structure unit in the system. Application privilege "New" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure type" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Show" of agenda "Organizational structure types".


POST orgStructure/remove

Remove organization structure unit in the system. Application privilege "Delete" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record privilege "Delete" of agenda "Organizational structure"


POST orgStructure/update

Update organization structure unit in the system. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure type" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Organizational structure and "Show" of agenda "Organizational structure types".



Organization structure type base management. Provide functions to retrieve, create, update and remove organization structure type.

GET orgStructureType/getAll

Retrieve all organization structure type data from the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure types" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Organizational structure type".


POST orgStructureType/create

Create organization structure type in the system. Application privilege "New" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure types" required. No record permissions restriction implemented.


POST orgStructureType/remove

Remove organization structure type in the system. Application privilege "Delete" for licensed agenda "Organizational structure types" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record privilege "Delete" of agenda "Organizational structure type".



Person base management. Provide functions to retrieve, create, update, lock/unlock, remove person. Provide functions to store and delete person info for hardware units.

GET person/get

Retrieve personal data for specific person. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons"


GET person/getAccessPriviliges

Get access of the person for specific hardware unit. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "View" for agenda item "Access" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons". Data may also be restricted by record permission "Access Edit" of "HW structure permissions".


GET person/getAll

Retrieve personal data for each person in the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons".


GET person/getAllActivities

Retrieve all activities of the person. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "View" for agenda item "Activities" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons".


GET person/getInfo

Retrieve short info data of the person, which are currently stored in the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons"


POST person/cleanAccessPriviliges

Remove access of the person for all hardware unit. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "Edit" for agenda item "Access" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Access edit" of agenda "Person". Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Access Edit" of "HW structure permissions".


POST person/cleanInfo

Remove info data of the person from the system. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Person".


POST person/create

Create person in the system. Application privilege "New" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "Edit" for agenda item "Identifiers" of licensed agenda "Persons" required.


POST person/createActivity

Create person activity. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "Edit" for agenda item "Activities" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "New" of licensed agenda "Activities" required. Application privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Activity types" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Person" and permision "View" of agenda "Activity types".


POST person/getByFP

Retrieve personal data for specific person. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "View" for agenda item "Fingerprints" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons"


POST person/lock

All identifiers of the person can be lock or unlock in the system. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "Edit" for agenda item "Access blocking" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" or "Access Edit" of agenda "Person".


POST person/remove

Remove person from the system. Application privilege "Delete" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Delete" of agenda "Person".


POST person/removeIdentifiers

Assigned identifiers can be removed from the person. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "Edit" for agenda item "Access" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Person".


POST person/setAccessPriviliges

Set access of the person for specific hardware unit. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "Edit" for agenda item "Access" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Access edit" of agenda "Person". Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Access Edit" of "HW structure permissions".


POST person/setInfo

Short info data of the person can be stored to the system. These data can be displayed on hardware units (smart reader). Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Person".


POST person/update

Personal data can be changed in the system. Application privilege "Edit" for licensed agenda "Persons" required. Application privilege "Edit" for agenda item "Identifiers" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Person".



Project base management. Provide functions to retrieve, create, update, remove project, project items and types.

GET project/getAllItems

Retrieve project item data for each project in the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Project.Items" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "Project.Items". Paging supported


GET project/getAllProjects

Retrieve all project data in the system. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Projects" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Projects". Paging supported


GET project/getAllTypes

Retrieve project type data in the system. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Projects.Project types" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Projects.Project types". Paging supported


GET project/getItem

Retrieve project item data. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Project.Items" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "Project.Items"


GET project/getProject

Retrieve project data in the system. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Projects" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Projects"


GET project/getProjectFulfilment

Retrieve all fulfilments for current project. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Projects". Paging supported


GET project/getProjectItems

Retrieve all items for current project. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Privilege "View" of item "Project items" of licensed agenda "Project.Project items" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Projects". Paging supported


GET project/getProjectParticipants

Retrieve all participants for current project. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Privilege "View" of item "Participants" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Projects". Paging supported


GET project/getType

Retrieve project type data. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Projects.Project types" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Projects.Project types"


POST project/createItem

Create project item in the system. Privilege "New" of licensed agenda "Projects.Items" required. No record permissions restriction implemented.


POST project/createProject

Create project in the system. Privilege "New" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. No record permissions restriction implemented.


POST project/createProjectFulfilment

Create fulfilment record of the selected project. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Project.Activity(Web)" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit project actions" of agenda "Persons" and permission "View" of agenda "Projects"


POST project/createProjectItem

Create items in selected project. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Projects items" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. No record permissions restriction implemented


POST project/createProjectParticipant

Create project participants. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Participants" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons" and "Projects".


POST project/createType

Create project type in the system. Privilege "New" of licensed agenda "Projects.Project types" required. No record permissions restriction implemented


POST project/removeItem

Remove project item from the system. Privilege "Delete" of licensed agenda "Projects.Items" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Delete" of agenda "Projects.Items"


POST project/removeProjectFulfilment

Remove fulfilment records from the selected project. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Project.Activity(Web)" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Projects".


POST project/removeProjectItem

Remove items from selected project. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Projects items" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Projects".


POST project/removeProjectParticipant

Remove participants from project. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Participants" of licensed agenda "Projects.Projects" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Projects".


POST project/removeType

Remove project type from the system. Privilege "Delete" of licensed agenda "Projects.Project types" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Delete" of agenda "Projects.Project types"


POST project/updateItem

Update project item data in the system. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Projects.Items" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Projects.Items"


POST project/updateProject

Update project data in the system. Privilege Edit of licensed agenda Projects required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Projects".


POST project/updateType

Update project type from the system. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Projects.Project types" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Projects.Project types"



User base management. Provide functions to retrieve, create, update, lock/unlock, remove user and set/get roles.

GET user/get

Retrieve personal data for specific user. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Users" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "User"


GET user/getAll

Retrieve data for each user in the system. Application privilege "View" for licensed agenda "Users" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "User". Paging supported


GET user/getAllRole

Retrieve all roles in the system. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Users" required. Privilege "View" of item "Roles" of agenda "Users" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Roles"


GET user/getRole

Get all roles for the specific user. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Users" required. Privilege "View" of item "Roles" of agenda "Users" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "User"


POST user/addRole

The role can be assigned to the specific user. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Users" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Roles" of agenda "Users" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "User"


POST user/create

Create user in the system and assign person to this user. User is always created with domain verification. Privilege "New" of licensed agenda "Users" required. No record permissions restriction implemented


POST user/lock

The user can be lock or unlock in the system. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Users" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Blocked" of agenda "Users" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "User"


POST user/remove

Remove user from the system. Privilege "Delete" of licensed agenda "Users" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Delete" of agenda "User"


POST user/removeRole

The role can be removed from the specific user. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Users" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Roles" of agenda "Users" required. Privilege "Show" of agenda "Roles" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "User"


POST user/update

User data can be changed in the system. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Users" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "User"



Visit base management. Provide functions to create visit and retrieve visit by using different parameters.

GET visit/getByCard

Retrieve visit data by card identifier. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visits" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visits".


GET visit/getByPIN

Retrieve visit data by using PIN. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visits" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visits". Paging supported


GET visit/getByQR

Retrieve visit data by QR identifier. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visits" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visits".


GET visit/getIdentifierEntryCode

Retrieve visit IdentifierEntryCode using Visit id.


GET visit/getPersonByName

Retrieve personal data for each person defined by name. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Paging supported. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Persons". Paging supported


GET visit/getStructureAll

Retrieve all organization structure data from the system. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Organizational structure". Paging supported


GET visit/getStructureByTitle

Retrieve all organization structure data defined by name. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Organizational structure" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Organizational structure". Paging supported


GET visit/checkKiosk

Check license for kiosk. No application privileges and record permissions restriction implemented.


POST visit/approve

Approve existing visit by visited person.


POST visit/confirm

Confirm the current visit with an escort.


POST visit/create

Create visit, visitor, visitor's car, document and card in the system. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "New" of licensed agenda "Visits" required. No record permissions restriction implemented.


POST visit/end

Ends existing visit.


POST visit/getByDoc

Retrieve visit data by document. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visits" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visits". Paging supported


POST visit/getByFP

Retrieve visit data by finger print templates. Just template standards ISO and Suprema are supported. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visits" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visits".



Visitor base management. Provide functions to retrieve some data related to visitor's agenda and create visitor data record

GET visitor/getFirmByTitle

Retrieve list of all visitor firms in the system. Agenda "Visits" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visitor - Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visitors - Persons".


POST visitor/createActivity

Create visitor activity. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "Edit" of licensed agenda "Visitors - Persons" required. Privilege "Edit" of item "Activities" of licensed agenda "Visitors - Persons" required. Functionality may also be restricted by record permission "Edit" of agenda "Visitors - Persons"


POST visitor/getByDoc

Retrieve personal data for visitor by using document number, type, name and date of the birth. Agenda "Visits" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visitor - Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visitor - Persons".


POST visitor/getByFP

Retrieve personal data for visitor by using finger print templates. Suprema and ISO formats of the finger print template are supported. Agenda "Visits" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visitor - Persons" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visitor - Persons".



Visit type base management. Provide functions to retrieve visit types.

GET visitType/getAll

Retrieve all visit types in the system. Agenda "Visit" has to be licensed. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Visit types" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Visit types".


GET visitType/getByCard

Retrieve all visit types in the system related to card identifier



Working unit base management. Provide functions to retrieve all working units list, list of working unit members and list of working units supervisors.

GET workUnit/getAll

Retrieve all working units in the system. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Work units" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Working units".


GET workUnit/getMembers

Retrieve all members of the working unit. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Work units" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Working units" and "Persons".


GET workUnit/getSupervisors

Retrieve all supervisors of the working unit. Privilege "View" of licensed agenda "Work units" required. Data may also be restricted by record permission "View" of agenda "Working units" and "Persons".